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Company registration in Oman

Company registration in Oman

Oman has a stable political environment, an active government that encourages foreign investment, and a booming business environment.

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from 9000 EUR
8 - 10 working days
Deadline for registration in Free zones
from 14 days
Annual renewal
Depends on the selected license and place of registration

General information

Starting a business in Oman is a step into a land of diverse opportunities and economic growth. Located on the southeastern coast of the Arabian Peninsula, Oman offers a strategic location at the crossroads of trade routes. This makes it a promising destination for entrepreneurs and investors.
Oman has a stable political environment, an active government that encourages foreign investment, and a booming business environment. The country beckons as a welcoming gateway to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) market. Innovation and ambition drive Oman's dynamic business ecosystem.

    Why choose Oman for business on the mainland?

    • Strategic Location: Located at the crossroads of Asia, Africa and Europe, Oman serves as a gateway to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC3) countries and beyond. Its proximity to major markets provides excellent access to a large consumer base.
      • Stable Economy: Oman boasts a stable diversified economy supported by sectors such as oil and gas, tourism, logistics, manufacturing and finance. The government's commitment to economic diversification ensures a stable business environment.
        • Favorable business environment: The Omani government has undertaken numerous reforms to attract foreign investment and facilitate business operations. The regulatory framework encourages entrepreneurship, protects intellectual property rights and provides a level playing field.
          • 100% foreign ownership: One of the significant advantages of setting up a mainland business in Oman is the ability to have 100% foreign ownership. This provides complete control over your business operations and decision making, providing a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

            Steps to start a business in Oman

            • 01
              Company Name Reservation. The first step involves proposing a unique company name and sending it for approval. The name must comply with Omani law and once approved, it will serve as your brand name.
            • 02
              Filing of incorporation documents. You need to submit to the relevant authorities the documents required for business registration, including legal documents describing the company structure, ownership and operations.
            • 03
              Register with OCCI. The Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) helps you build your business network by connecting you with other local businesses and provides initiatives to improve collaboration and support. Complete your OCCI registration to reap these benefits.
            • 04
              Designing a company seal. An official company seal is required in accordance with Omani regulations. The seal will help you authenticate and execute documents related to business transactions.
            • 05
              Obtaining permits from government agencies. It is important to ensure compliance with local regulations and give the green light for business activities. It is necessary to obtain the necessary approvals from the relevant government agencies to navigate the regulatory environment smoothly.
            • 06
              Post-registration process. Perform post-registration tasks such as opening bank accounts, obtaining necessary licenses, and ensuring ongoing compliance. This phase includes finalizing operational details for the smooth launch of the business in Oman.

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            Starting a business in mainland Oman

            Starting a business in mainland Oman offers many opportunities in a growing and diversifying economy. With its strategic location and well-developed legal framework, mainland Oman offers a stable and favorable environment for both local and foreign businesses. Operating on the mainland gives you access to the wider Omani market and government contracts. By choosing the mainland for your business, you become part of Oman's ongoing economic transformation, capitalizing on its rich culture and thriving industry.

              Type of business entities in Oman

              Limited Liability Company (Limited Liability Company)

              Limited Partnership (Limited Partnership)

              Branch Office

              Representative Office

              The following are some of the free zones operating in Oman

              Freezone Sohar
              Southern port of Salalah
              Duqm Special economic zone
              Al-Mazunah Free zone

              Advantages of setting up a company in the Oman Free Zone

              • 100% foreign ownership
                • No minimum investment is required
                  • Doing business with local customers

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